Why I Built My Channel
I built my channel to discuss what I have learned about the Bible, particularly the New Testament and to show where changes have been made over the centuries for a number of purposes including for political reasons especial during the early centuries of Christian history when the battle for orthodoxy took place, as there were at the time and have always been competing ideas for what Christianity was, and was going to be in the future. Also, to engage in discussion with others on the subject, so if you like what I’m saying or disagree feel free to send me a message or make a comment on one of my social media pages.
My Experience
My experience started with a childhood of going to church and Catholic school, and catechism when I was in public schools, and hearing the stories of the Bible. My main experience came later as I began reading the Bible on my own as an adult, and then eventually becoming interested in the subject and skeptical of what I read.
I have since read many books and even more videos and documentaries on the subject, both by skeptics like me and those who consider themselves Christian orthodoxy. Indecently, every denomination considers their form of Christianity to be correct and therefore orthodoxy.
My Intention
My intention or goal is to give my opinion of what I have read and learned about early Christianity and to point out the flaws that I see, and the edits that I believe have clearly taken place and to discuss them with those that want to engage and have a reasonable discussion about Christian history and Christianity as a whole. I have often tried to engage with Christians, pastors and lay people and time and time again I am just met with hostility, judging and hatred, if you’re one of those, you might want to stay away. If you want to have a serious discussion, as I would expect a real Christian to do to defend their faith in a positive, respectful and frankly adult manner, I am willing to engage in an equally respectful manner.
I am looking forward to the discussion!
Mark J. Carpenter (The Impartial Skeptic)